Have you wanted to know how to dress for college, for work, or just socially? Now you have an organization on campus who can offer advice to you. Business major student, Emma Knepper, recently opened a fashion club at Tulsa Community College (TCC). TCC Connection editor, Tatyana Nyborg, interviewed Knepper about the club and her experiences.
T. Nyborg: What is your major with TCC? When did you start studying at TCC?
E. Knepper: I am a second semester, first-year student studying business at TCC.
T. Nyborg: How did you get the idea to open a fashion club at TCC?
E. Knepper: To make a long story short, I enrolled at TCC very unexpectedly after de-enrolling from a four-year university I had planned to attend my entire life, so I found myself joining the TCC community only a couple of weeks before classes started and playing catch up when it came to understanding the culture of the school. I quickly realized this school has created room for so much opportunity and growth.
Then the idea of a fashion club came to me only days after enrolling. It’s like I woke up one day and realized this is why I was here. I needed to start a club to give students a space to create and interact with others that have similar interests.
Fashion is for everyone and it’s an outlet for so many! The rising noticeability of Tulsa talent is so unbelievable and needs to be encouraged and shared. I’ve spent my entire life appreciating fashion and in the last few years either studying it or making it.
Another key part of my vision is to create a stronger sense of friendship amongst peers. I think community college can often feel like a more untraditional and lonelier route to take, but I wanted to change that narrative by playing a small part in cultivating a stronger community at our community college! So, then the “FSHNCLB” project was born, and it took six long months to launch. Remembering the “why” behind the fashion club helped me stay motivated when the process was slow and seemed to hit dead ends along the way.
T. Nyborg: How often does the club meet?
E. Knepper: I chose to have the Fashion Club meetings once every other Thursday at noon. I have been in awe of fellow students ever since I arrived here. Seeing the amount of dedication people at TCC have is inspiring. Some [students] work full-time jobs, are involved in other organizations, some even raising children all while being a full-time student. I [would like] this club to come with no pressure of commitment and be something that is feasible for everyone to attend, regardless of life’s busy schedules.
T. Nyborg: What kind of events and activities do you plan for the club?
E. Knepper: I have a direction and vision for where I see this club going, but honestly, the club is not mine. Fashion Club is all about the people that are in it. I want them to be passionate about what we are doing and that means letting them lead. Our intro[duction] project will be to create a personal style mood board. This will help us get to know each other’s style and to have a better understanding of what direction we want to go. Another big event I would love to get everyone on board with is a campus-wide free pop-up shop and a community-wide clothing drive. I want this club to bless not only the members of it but the people of Tulsa. I also love the idea of having thrifting days together to promote sustainability, a guided beginners sewing project and perhaps even an end of semester fashion show. We are going to have so much fun!
T. Nyborg: How many members do you have so far?
E. Knepper: I have a few supportive friends who have been on my core team from the beginning, but other than that, we will have to wait and see! Our first meeting was March 3.
T. Nyborg: How would a student who wants to join your club contact you?
E. Knepper: Students or faculty are encouraged to follow the FSHNCLB Instagram (@fashionclubtcc) as all the important announcements and updates come through there in a fun and creative way! Another way to speak to me directly is to [send an] email at fashionclubtcc@gmail.com. I am literally always more than happy to answer any questions about anything, so never hesitate to reach out!