As the numbers of teens in Tulsa with eating disorders rises, health officials and clinicians saythat the resources are woefully inadequate to address it.Unfortunately, it is difficult to know if someone has an eating disorder. National statistics showthat about a fifth of teenagers suffer from disordered eating, which can range from bulimia tobinge-eating, but only […]
The Danger of Teens Using Social Media and Online Gaming
Social Media is taking a role in everybody’s life nowadays and people have been getting more and more obsessed as the days go by. In this generation, teenagers are now considered as digital natives, meanwhile past generations are digital immigrants. The internet is the majority form of communication that teenagers know, use and understand. Not many […]
Podcast: A Conversation with Jazmine Cash on Eating Disorders
This podcast speaks about the underfunding of eating disorders in Tulsa, while being backed up by directors and health professionals within the area. Primarily, most of the podcast includes a testimony from an Oklahoma teen who suffered from an eating disorder for 4 years. This testimony is projected to help ED individuals feel not as […]
Healthcare and Support: How the LGBTQ+ Community Needs Care and Sustainability
Physical and mental health is important, but do we talk about it in teens? Or even the LGBTQ+ youth? Your teenage years (ages 13-18) are the average time to come out as part of the community. On average, 82% of LGBTQ youth have come out to at least one of their family members, over half […]
Podcast: ‘The Queer Perspective’
Podcast: ‘The Queer Perspective’ delves into the critical issues facing LGBTQ+ youth in the United States, but especially in Tulsa and Oklahoma. Each episode explores the unique challenges they encounter. From navigating an often hostile Healthcare System to grappling with discriminatory laws that undermine their rights. Discussions include the struggle to find support and unsupportive […]
Teens And Weight Management: Is Tulsa Doing Enough
The number of teens with youth-onset type-2 diabetes is projected to quadruple in the U.S. by 2050 if adequate interventions are not made, according to Diabetes Care, a medical journal. Excessive body weight is a leading risk factor for diabetes and Oklahoma is ranked number three in the country for having it, as stated in […]
Teen Pregnancy and STIs in Tulsa: What Teens Need to Know
Teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are major concerns for teenagers in Tulsa. These issues are impacting the lives and futures of many teens in the community. However, research has shown that providing accurate information and education to teenagers can make a significant difference. By learning about the risks and ways to protect themselves, […]
Wrestling Through High School: An African American Student’s Story
In the inaugural episode of the TCC Connection Health Initiative, host Reyhana Fouda presents an anonymous account of a sports injury experienced by a student wrestler at Broken Arrow High School. The episode delves into the intersection of race, sports, and mental health, highlighting the microaggressions faced by athletes of color within predominantly white teams. […]
Meeting a need for students at Student Life: Fuel Pantry
Are you feeling hungry? Tulsa Community College, in partnership with the Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma, is dedicated to supporting student success by addressing a major issue: food insecurity. Any currently enrolled student is eligible to utilize the Fuel Pantry, which is conveniently located at Student Life on every campus. Leon Yang, a TCC student […]
Innergistic: Alternative Healing
There is a lesson being taught in positive healing at Innergistic, a welcoming space for the mind, body, and soul in Broken Arrow, Okla. The discussion, held by Sheri Salyer (an Affiliate Member of the Reiki Membership Association) on Jan. 28, had an array of subjects, all having to do with how to improve one’s […]