Alcohol abuse is prevalent on many college campuses. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, forty-nine percent of full-time students ages 18-22 drank alcohol in the past month. In response to this statistic, Tulsa Community College offers counseling through Student Life by sponsoring programs that provide the resources for students to be successful, including counseling services, during their college years.
On July 10, free root beer floats were given to visitors from Student Life at each Tulsa Community College campus. These savory root beer floats not only provide a break from the day’s heat and a sweet treat, but also serve as a reminder of alcohol awareness at the college.
Susan Looper, a Program Coordinator with Student Life at the West Campus, states, “We used to serve mocktails, but then working with our Wellness Department, we thought it may not be as appropriate because of someone who might be struggling with alcohol addiction. We partner with the Wellness Department a lot for education. So, we feel that in the event, there is a hidden message linked to alcohol awareness. Most people are not making that connection, and they just enjoy the root beer float, and that is okay.”

So, if you are feeling in need of a cold treat in the middle of the summer, head to Student Life at TCC’s campuses and receive a free ice cream snack. The goal is to get students excited about college and to not be distracted by any vices, such as abuse of alcohol.

The event is now over; however, Student Life offers year-round gifts for students. Over the course of the year, there are many opportunities for students to get involved with TCC’s Student Life, such as drinking root beer floats, getting school supplies on Motivation Monday, or receiving free tickets to any AMC movie theater on Ticket Tuesday.