Tulsa Community College (TCC) Fall 2020 semester will be quite different than previous years. The entire college is going through phases to adjust to the COVID-19 pandemic situation.
TCC will have several types of classes in the fall, according to the college’s marketing department press release. The four (4) types of class offerings are the following:
Online: Content is delivered through the Internet with no scheduled class times.
Online Live: Online “web-conference style” courses meet at designated times and students are required to be present online, live at that time.
Blended: Part online, part scheduled face-to-face following physical space guidelines on campus.
Face-to-Face: Held at specific times following physical space guidelines on campus.
“Some students will not want to come to campus or be in groups, so we are offering the multiple options,” said Cindy Hess, senior vice president and chief academic officer at the college.
“This is the suggested percentage of modality to achieve in the redesign of the fall schedule: 20 percent face-to-face, 20 percent blended (note that this modality includes face-to-face), 20 percent online “live”, and 40 percent fully online,” she added.
“Students will have limited access to learning spaces on campus for study, technology use, and testing,” the TCC press release stated.
Hess informed that TCC deans and chairs were working on a fall schedule.
“The schedule has been completed and finalized,” she said. “The college will communicate to students affected. Each discipline, department, will make the decision on the modality.”
Some students have enrolled for the fall semester in-person, on-campus classes far in advance. The new schedule is affecting their course modes. For example, some classes or course sections became online only, etc. recently.
Hess assured that “each student will be contacted and assisted to re-enroll in another section that matches the student’s preference.”
Fall 2020 semester starts Aug. 17. Some students, especially freshmen, are encouraged to visit enrollment, advisement, and financial aid services in person before that. Hess stated that “the college hopes to do a phased opening this summer. A team is working on protocols now.”
“The first focus is on student use of computers. Student services via phone or online will continue to be done that way,” she added.
“Classroom capacity is being reviewed and adjusted for social distancing requirements,” Hess said. “Each room must be sanitized after use, so that limits our ability to schedule face-to-face sections.”
A TCC student asked if the college will be hiring extra janitors to do more cleaning.
“We will do what is necessary to meet student learning needs, and ensuring student safety is critical for learning,” Hess answered. “Again, this will be a balancing act for the college. We contract with ABM for janitorial services, and a team will work with them to ensure that our classrooms and facility needs for safety will be met.”
Also, the TCC administration assured that “assigned spaces for face-to-face classes will not be used for back-to-back scheduling to allow sanitizing protocols.”
Another group of students had questions whether wearing masks will be mandatory and if the cafeterias and coffee shops will be open on campuses during the fall semester. The answer is that TCC is still reviewing the options for these areas.
Hess says students will be notified about the TCC’s reopening plans via The Daily email prepared by the marketing department.