The Student Life at TCC campuses offered a unique way to celebrate International Moon Day at the end of the semester for students and staff. Moon Day is officially recognized on July 20. The occasion was celebrated on July 27 at TCC. It is in celebration of the first landing on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission on July 20, 1969. The moon landing featured astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong. TCC offered moon pies to visitors to Student Life on the various campuses.
Moon Pies are a snack that originated in Chattanooga, Tenn., in 1917. A culinary treat that is as round as the moon and made with marshmallows, graham cookies, and chocolate. The five-cent moon pie became an instant hit among visitors of the local southern stores that carried moon pies and RC colas, each of which then cost a nickel, so they could get a tasty meal for the cost of a dime.

In the upcoming week (August 14–17) Spirit Week will be held in Student Life at TCC campuses. So be sure to wear TCC Blue to enter your name in a drawing and win prizes.