Pamela Alec has worked as an accounting clerk at the Tulsa Community College (TCC) West Campus Bursar office for five years. Besides that, she has a hobby inherited from her ancestors. Alec loves Native American beading and sewing ribbon skirts.

“I was born in Oklahoma, and I am a full-blood Native American,” Alec says. “My mother was a full-blood Cherokee, and my father was a full-blood Alabama-Coushatta. My parents met at Chilocco Indian School.”

“I learned most of my Native American tradition through my parents, which was not a lot since they were not allowed to learn the traditions in the past,” she adds. “I have done my research and took a Cherokee Nation history class.”
“I began learning bead work when I was a teenager and went to a Native American summer camp,” Alec continues. “Then, many years later, I picked up on beading and sewing. I learned how to loom beads, peyote, wrap, drop down, and lazy stitch.”

Alec’s designs remarkably display patterns enriched with repetition, earth tone, and turquoise colors, which are specific for Native American folk art. She makes beaded keychains, earrings, necklaces, including crosses, and such unique items as headdresses with feathers.
The ribbon skirts by Alec also incorporate a contrast of earthy colors with turquoise and white. They look comfortable and suitable, especially for the hot Oklahoma summer. At this time, the artist is working on promoting her work on social media.