SNAPS: Pride returns to Tulsa

Tulsa Pride was hosted by Oklahomans for Equality (OKEQ), located on the corner of 4th Street and Kenosha. This year, 2021, was the largest pride in the event’s history and first-time participants made up roughly 60 percent of the parade procession according to the Tulsa Police Department. An estimated 40,000 attendees enjoyed the parade. To […]

SNAPS: The Equality Center provides care amidst COVID-19

The Oklahomans for Equality (OKEQ) has existed for 14 years and was previously known as the Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR). The Equality Center was named after Dennis R. Neill, who founded TOHR. The building was purchased in October 2005 and opened in February 2007 after extensive renovations.

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