Students at Tulsa Community College were given the option to receive two free tickets to the Admiral Twin, a drive-in theater in Tulsa during the Ticket Tuesday event held at Student Life. Susan Looper, program coordinator of West Campus, explained, “Well, it is free. Their student fees that they pay are what pay for the tickets. So, they are just taking advantage of what their student activities pay for and cover. With excitement, we did the Admiral Twin and the Tee Pee Drive-In at Sapulpa. Those are the only two drive-ins in the area. It seems to be a popular kind of an old-fashioned thing to do, the drive-in.” There were many students in their first week of the semester who visited Student Life to get tickets on Ticket Tuesday. Student Life is continuing to identify opportunities, including the Admiral Twin passes for movie lovers and for students.

The Modernaire Drive-In originally opened on May 24, 1951. The silver screen was later renamed the Admiral Twin on June 19, 1952. Located on Route 66, the Admiral Twin is Oklahoma’s largest drive-in as it has a capacity of over 1,000 cars along with its two nine-story-foot tall screens that gained popularity from being featured in the Francis Ford Coppola film “The Outsiders,” released in 1983. When students are visiting the Admiral Twin after receiving their two free tickets to the drive-in, they are not just watching the latest and trendiest movies but are also participating in a piece of Oklahoma’s rich cinema history.

Visit the next Ticket Tuesday to receive free tickets as this event is held annually. Tickets at the Admiral Twin Drive-In are usually nine dollars for individuals 12 years old and above, and children 3 to 11 years-old are given the opportunity of purchasing a ticket for five dollars at a discount. The Admiral Twin and TCC are celebrating 72 years of the silver screen, keeping moviegoers on the edge of their seats. After getting your two free tickets from Ticket Tuesday, be sure to visit the Admiral Twin for a showing of one of your most anticipated movies or a new cinematic release.