Northeast Campus reopens enrollment, advising and other services face-to-face
On July 20, Tulsa Community College (TCC) Northeast Campus (NEC) reopened its doors for multiple face-to-face services after being closed due to COVID-19. Students are able now to walk into the campus and obtain in-person consultations at enrollment, advisement, financial aid and the Bursar offices.
However, some things are not the same as earlier. These are photos illustrating how everything looks currently.
Students must come through the Student Union entrance to meet with enrollment and other specialists. At the entrance, TCC employees will check a student’s ID, temperature and offer a free mask. Photo by Tatyana Nyborg.A student will use a laptop to register for an appointment for enrollment and financial aid assistance. Then, the student will be called to talk with a TCC specialist. Photo by Tatyana Nyborg.Many TCC consultants are working from their homes due to COVID-19. Because of that, a student will be connected with a specialist via Zoom. On the photo, a booth of a financial aid worker has a laptop, which connects a student to the TCC financial aid employee remotely. Photo by Tatyana Nyborg.The signs indicate that TCC prefers that students submit their documents to enrollment and other services electronically due to COVID-19. Photo by Tatyana Nyborg.Some areas of NEC are blocked and not accessible for students. Photo by Tatyana Nyborg.NEC has a great display of posters on the wall informing about the student organizations at the campus. The display is in the hall between two blocked for access due to COVID-19 areas in the Student Union building. Photo by Tatyana Nyborg.