Tulsa Community College Theatre Department is hosting the seventh annual “The W.A.T.T. Festival” (Writer’s Alternative Trial Theatre), Dec. 1-3. The performances are scheduled for Dec. 1 and 2 at 7 p.m. and on Dec. 3 at 2 p.m. in the PACE Studio Theatre on the Southeast Campus, 10300 E. 81st St. The performances are free.

During the W.A.T.T. festival, actors will read original scripts written by TCC students. The actors will deliver the scripts in Reader’s Theatre format.
On Dec. 1, the following screenplays will be presented by Brian Platedo’s “What to Watch,” Carter Hobson’s “Midwestern Murders,” and Ashton Gann’s “The Time for Us.”
On Dec. 2, Ashley Dawson’s “Red, Blue, Grey Memorial” and Alison Siebal’s “Beyond Comprehension” will be showcased.
On Dec. 3, Alexa Smith’s “Grief” and Noah Cole’s “Akuma” will be highlighted.
The audience in attendance will be invited to give written feedback during the festival for the writer’s review.
The W.A.T.T. Festival is the final exam for the Scriptwriting 1 and 2 courses taught by Mark Frank, associate professor and coordinator/director of the Theatre Department.
For more information, contact Mark Frank at mark.frank@tulsacc.edu or (918) 595-7732.