Author: Mariia Shevchenko

How TCC Debate and Forensics became the reigning State Champion Community College

Having won the State Champion Community College at the Oklahoma Forensics Association State Tournament, the Tulsa Community College (TCC) Debate and Forensics team explained what the club meant to them and what they have learned.  On Feb. 25 and 26, the TCC Debate and Forensics team traveled virtually to Cameron University to compete in the […]

How Bikes for Students is helping students inside and outside the classroom

Associate Professor of Science and Mathematics Don Crall at the Northeast Campus is on a mission to give bikes and teach his students about manufacturing in the process. Because they had to walk to the Northeast campus every day, and faced cat calling while walking, Aidan Finnell, an engineering student at Tulsa Community College (TCC), […]

TCC International Student Organization goes to the Oklahoma State Capitol

On April 6, the International Student Organization (ISO) students participated at the International Student Recognition Day at the Oklahoma State Capitol in Oklahoma City. On the marbled floors of the Oklahoma State Capitol, surrounded with students from over 44 countries, all studying in colleges and universities from around Oklahoma, the ISOstudents were there to promote […]

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